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学生 at Off-Campus Location

部门社会学 & Criminal Justice

The 部门 社会学 and Criminal Justice at Old Dominion University features a diverse faculty with vast expertise in the areas of inequality, 社会正义, sociology of health, and criminology and criminal justice. The 部门fers undergraduate degrees in 社会学, 社会学 with Social Welfare Emphasis, and Criminal Justice. At the graduate level, we offer a Ph.D. 在犯罪学 & Criminal Justice. The 22 full time tenure track faculty and five lecturers serve more than 1,200 undergraduate majors and 30 graduate students. Our faculty regularly publish in top ranked journals as well as present their research at national and international conferences. We have secured external funding from the National Institutes of 健康 (NIH), the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), local and state agencies, and private research organizations.


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