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By Noell Saunders


DISCOVER系统将协助网络安全, resilience, 以及数据密集型科学和工程, 哪些是对大学和汉普顿路的长期可持续性至关重要的优先事项.

“这项新举措反映了我们致力于提供教育机会,解决我们地区和世界上非常现实的问题," President John R. Broderick said. “这也有助于我们为多元化的网络安全群体扩大渠道, 弹性和工程专业人员将负责保护我们的关键基础设施."

Hongyi "Michael" Wu, 该大学网络安全教育与研究中心主任,也是该项目的首席研究员, 他说,新系统将提供大量的计算能力,以支持一些关键的研究项目.

"From a cybersecurity perspective, 如果我想破解密码,在普通电脑上可能要花上几个小时. 但在这台“超级”计算机上,这将花费更少的时间,吴说:“新系统将帮助我们更快地得到结果。."

该项目的联合首席研究员是Nikos Chrisochoides, professor in computer science; Jingwei Huang, associate professor in engineering management and systems engineering; Khan Iftekharuddin, professor and associate dean for research and graduate programs in the Batten College of Engineering and Technology; and Masha Sosonkina, professor in modeling, 仿真与可视化工程.

来自信息技术服务部的Rizwan Bhutta和Wirawan Purwanto在开发计算系统的配置方面发挥了重要作用,并展示了管理这个研究和教学项目的能力.

In cybersecurity, the computing system will aid in hardware security for cryptographic circuit verification; modeling learning with homomorphic encryption; malware and anomaly detection; and modeling cyberattack paths and their mitigation. In resilience, it will aid in computational simulations to model sea-level rise; understanding social media for emergency preparedness for natural disasters; and the understanding of massive geospatial traffic patterns. 在数据密集型科学和工程领域, it will help with the analysis of brain imaging and image-guided surgery; high-accuracy finite element mesh generation; and modeling of power-consumption and resource allocation for high-performance computing clusters.

该计算机系统将促进与汉普顿路其他机构的多学科合作, 包括诺福克州立大学, 潮水社区学院和托马斯·纳尔逊社区学院. 将组织培训讲习班和暑期学院,帮助学生获得高性能计算技能.


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